
June 12 2017


“assure buyers and customers that food has been produced, processed and handled according to the highest standards”

Due to complex challenges in today’s food supply chain, many of the world’s largest food retailers want their suppliers to be certified to global food safety schemes, which include SQF, BRC, IFS, FSSC, GLOBAL G.A.P. and BAP and Canada GAP.

Baltra established its own certificate (Baltra Food Safety Standard BFSS) as an alternative way to ensure confidence in the delivery of safer food to consumers, while continuing to improve food safety throughout the supply chain.

Our standard address food, packaging, packaging materials, storage and distribution for primary producers, manufacturers and distributors.

A BFSS certificate is recognised to the units when they meet  minimum food safety requirements from the above internationally recognised standards. BFSS certification assures buyers and customers that food has been produced, processed and handled according to the highest standards.

“We believe the world should be supplied safe, quality food and we offer our “standard” as a perfect risk management”